
some friends (Taiwanese friends and Vietnamese friends) ask me: "why do I choose Taiwan for studying ?". The answer is:
+ I want to study aboard, my job is so bored. I want to have big change in my life.
+ Taiwan is development country with economic ranking 27 in the world, a lot of repute technology company such as HTC, ASUS, ACER, Hartford, Foxconn, Gateway, Formosa… And I think I want to study about technology.
+ To get scholarship from Taiwan is easier than other countries.
+ The last but not least, I am obsessed by life of Taiwanese student. Maybe I read too many books about love in Taiwan, then I want to know the truth. Until now, I don't know anything about it, my Taiwanese friends are too discreet. But I think I am real stupid because I believe in love story books. I should change to other countries !!!

5 Replies to “Entry”

  1. yes, I know, America has sex university. You can choose a class mate for practice. You should go to America

  2. Pls Notice taiwan ROC now is communized by your vietnam evil north neghbour-evil red cina day by day…lots high-tech comanies have to move to free indonesia and india for surviving….
    taiwanese are bizzare lover, not knowing romance and randy, prefering white skin….
    If you’re really fancy taiwan, do work for thse taiwanese factories(notorious for sweatshop operation in vietnam , cina mainland), You;ll see real ugly nature taiwanese cadre(management staff), sex abuse to woman ‘s normal for them.that’s bastard “tai gan” or “tai liu”

  3. you ‘rr from rich family of viet con civil servent, ur parents earn 20M dong per month, then can offord t squander in taiwan for studies…
    or you married to a sexual apathy taiwanese, you can study free and claim social benefits , but welfares benefits ‘re too little in comparison to europe japan korea and other freedom countries

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